Your privacy is our concern

Please review this Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy Policy will inform you about the information we may collect from you, how we use it, the choices you have regarding our use of it, your ability to review and correct it and how to opt out from any of our service and/or from receiving any promotional material. The data we may collect may be information about you or by which you can be identified e.g. your name, address (email and/or postal), mobile numbers, photographs, birth date, gender, occupation, personal interests, etc. (“Information”).

Who we are

Domicom Ltd., trading as (not in use) XX Vids (“(not in use) XX Vids” or “we” or “us” or “our”), is a limited liability company registered in Anguilla whose registered office address (not in use) XX Vids, Domicom Ltd., P.O. Box 294, The Valley Anguilla under company number 2378019 (the “Company).

1 Personal data

1.1 Domicom Ltd. acquires your telephone number if you make use of the service. Your telephone number shall be stored in connection with the administrative handling of payments.

1.2 Domicom Ltd. stores the IP address and the User Agent of users of the services of Domicom Ltd..

1.3 First and foremost Domicom Ltd. uses your personal data to offer you the service. Moreover Domicom Ltd. shall use your telephone number to keep you informed of similar products and/or services of Domicom Ltd. and/or third parties if you granted consent for this. Domicom Ltd. shall always try to take your preference into account.

2 Cookies

2.1 When offering its electronic services Domicom Ltd. uses ‘cookies’. A cookie is a file that is stored on the hard disk of the computer. Cookies are used to keep track of the process during the quiz. Cookies cannot damage the terminal equipment or files that are stored on the terminal equipment. Domicom Ltd. uses a cookie with your mobile telephone number or desktop on the devices on which you log on or use the service.

3 Supply to third parties

3.1 Domicom Ltd. shall not sell or lend your personal data to third parties without your consent.

3.2 Domicom Ltd. can supply your data to third parties if i) this is required to grant the service to you, ii) it is held to do so pursuant to a statutory obligation, iii) in case of disputes and legal proceedings, iv) telecommunications providers or supervisors request this, and/or v this is required for the protection of its own rights.

4 Duration

4.1 Domicom Ltd. does not store your personal data longer than required for the realisation of the objective for which they were collected.

5 Your rights

5.1 Domicom Ltd. intends to be clear about the manner that they handle the personal data of the visitor. This Privacy Statement intends to contribute to this. However, should you have any questions about the manner that Domicom Ltd. handles your personal data then you can send a message to

5.2 You can also send a message to the aforementioned address if you want to know what data have been stored about you and whether you wish to have your data deleted.

6 Changes

6.1 Domicom Ltd. reserves the right to make changes in this statement. Hence regularly check this statement.